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Bill Tracker

Iowa Association of Rural Health Clinics

Makes changes related to consumer data protection laws.

Senate Technology Committee

Requires schools to have at least one school employee who is trained to administer or assist with self-administration of a seizure medication.

House Education Committee

Directs UI College of Medicine and DMU to conduct a feasibility study of transitioning to three-year programs.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Establishes a regulatory relief program.

House Economic Growth & Technology Committee
Health Care

Requires University of Iowa to give priority in awarding residencies to Iowa residents.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Eliminates the certificate of need requirements and the state health facilities council.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Allows schools to employ an athletic trainer to provide health services to students.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Prohibits policies providing third-party payment or prepayment of health expenses from imposing cost-sharing for supplemental and diagnostic breast exams that are less favorable than screening mammograms. 

House Commerce Committee

Creates the respiratory care interstate compact.

House State Government Committee

Requires HHS to establish a health equity program.

Senate Appropriations Committee

Prohibits the board of pharmacy and professional boards from restricting the prescribing authority of pharmacists and other practitioners.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Allows an individual to refuse a medical service for reasons of conscience in certain circumstances.

Senate Judiciary Committee

Requires all health care providers to establish and disclose the discounted cash price the provider will accept for certain services.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Prohibits health insurance providers from imposing cost-sharing for supplemental diagnostic breast exams.

Senate Commerce Committee

Requires health care providers to submit a claim for reimbursement to the primary health benefit plan before submitting to any other plan.

House Commerce Committee

Requires a utilization review organization to respond to a request for a prior authorization within a certain time period.

House Commerce Committee

Prohibits policies providing third-party payment or prepayment of health expenses from imposing cost-sharing for supplemental and diagnostic breast exams that are less favorable than screening mammograms. 

House Commerce Committee

Requires insurance companies representing a health care provider in a professional negligence case to negotiate in good faith.

Senate Commerce Committee
Investing in Iowa's Future

Establishes a regulatory relief program.

House Economic Growth & Technology Committee

Requires an annual automatic increase in reimbursement rates for Medicaid providers. 

House Health & Human Services Committee

Makes provisions related to pharmacy benefits managers, pharmacies, and prescription drugs.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee
Professional Licensing/Scope of Practice

Establishes the physician assistant licensure compact.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee
Public Health

Denies minors the right to consent to vaccinations for a sexually transmitted disease or infection.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Requires information on immunization exemptions be communicated to parents/guardians and posted on school websites.  

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Creates an ARNP preceptor tax credit.

House Ways & Means Committee
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