Bills Associated with Iowa Psychological Association
Bill Number: | HF123 |
Title: | Psychiatric Deterioration Treatment |
Description: |
Allows a court to order treatment for a person experiencing psychiatric deterioration based on clear and convincing evidence. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | HF124 |
Title: | Involuntarily Committed Individuals |
Description: |
Requires an individual who has been involuntarily committed for a substance use disorder or serious mental impairment be referred to an ASO prior to discharge. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HF139 |
Title: | Involuntary Commitment Proceedings |
Description: |
Allows any interested person to file an involuntary commitment substance abuse proceeding application in any county. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Judiciary Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HF223 |
Title: | Student Mental Health Resources |
Description: |
Requires schools to post mental health resources on their websites and to work with students to identify ways to increase awareness of these resources. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Education Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | HF255 |
Title: | Psychology Interstate Compact |
Description: |
Creates a psychologist interstate compact. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Opposed |
Bill Number: | HSB85 |
Title: | Involuntary Commitment Testimony |
Description: |
Allows a physician's assistant or ARNP to testify at an involuntary commitment hearing on behalf of a licensed provider who examined the individual. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HSB122 |
Title: | Applied Behavior Analysis Coverage |
Description: |
Requires the medical assistance advisory council to cover applied behavior analysis services. Appropriates $750,000 from the autism support fund to Hawki for FY2025-2026. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | SF100 |
Title: | Student Mental Health Resources |
Description: |
Requires schools to publish mental health resources on their websites. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Education Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | SF102 |
Title: | School Mental Health Training |
Description: |
Requires mental health wellness training for certain school personnel by July 1, 2026. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Education Committee |
Category: | Behavioral/Mental Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | SF143 |
Title: | Consumer Data Protection |
Description: |
Makes changes related to consumer data protection laws. Expands definition of "health record" and "sensitive data." Gives consumers the right to opt of profiling related to personal data. Takes effect retroactively to Jan. 1, 2025. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Technology Committee |
Category: | Broadband/Technology |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HF86 |
Title: | Foster Care |
Description: |
Makes changes related to foster care. Allows a court to adjudicate a CINA in certain circumstances and eliminates others. Makes changes to foster parent reimbursement. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Judiciary Committee |
Category: | Childcare/Child Welfare |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HF177 |
Title: | Protected Worker Assaults |
Description: |
Increases penalties for certain assaults on protected workers, including peace officer, jailer, fire fighters, correctional staff, board of parole employees, health care providers, and certain state employees. |
Status: | House Floor |
Category: | Crime/Courts |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | SSB1058 |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | HSB9 |
Title: | Assaults on Health Providers |
Description: |
Adds individuals working or volunteering to offer education at a hospital or rural emergency hospital to the health care providers covered under enhanced assault protections. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Crime/Courts |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | HSB140 |
Title: | Probation |
Description: |
Makes changes to probation requirements, including discharge credits, educational credits, and workforce credits. Takes effect July 1, 2026. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Judiciary Committee |
Category: | Crime/Courts |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | SSB1009 |
Title: | Post Conviction Procedure |
Description: |
Places limitations on discovery and procedure related to a claim for post conviction relief. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Judiciary Committee |
Category: | Crime/Courts |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | HSB42 |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HF88 |
Title: | Education Modifications |
Description: |
Makes changes to several education laws, including private instruction, world language instruction, dual enrollment, and the tuition and textbook tax credit. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Education Committee |
Category: | Education |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | SF204 |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | HF102 |
Title: | Student Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder Care |
Description: |
Requires schools to have at least one school employee who is trained to administer or assist with self-administration of a seizure medication. Requires schools to provide training by December 31, 2026, to all personnel on how to recognize the signs of seizure and first aid steps. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Education Committee |
Category: | Education |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | SF111 |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | HF121 |
Title: | HCBS Waivers |
Description: |
Provides resources to school and AEA employees allowing them to test students to assist parents submit HCBS waiver applications. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Education Committee |
Category: | Education |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HF163 |
Title: | School Threat Assessment |
Description: |
Requires all school districts assemble multidisciplinary threat assessment teams to improve school safety and flag students in distress for services and appropriate interventions. Permits information sharing between agencies and gives schools civil immunity. Supported by school boards, teachers, and children's groups. |
Status: | House Floor |
Category: | Education |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | SSB1099 |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HSB48 |
Title: | College Student Aid Fee |
Description: |
Requires College Student Aid Commission to collect an annual authorization fee from certain entities that currently do not pay a fee. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Education Committee |
Category: | Education |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HSB86 |
Title: | School Concussion Policies |
Description: |
Allows an individual with a doctorate in psychology with specialty training in neuropsychology or concussion management to determine when a student should be removed from school sports. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Education |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | SF8 |
Title: | Personal Pronouns/Legal Names in Schools |
Description: |
Prohibits schools, including charter schools, from taking disciplinary actions regarding use/non-use of legal names or personal pronouns. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Education Committee |
Category: | Education |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | HF80 |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | SF168 |
Title: | School District Shared Functions |
Description: |
Modifies provisions related to shared operational functions and school district supplementary weighting. |
Status: | Senate Floor |
Category: | Education |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HF85 |
Title: | Regulatory Relief Program |
Description: |
Establishes a regulatory relief program. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Economic Growth & Technology Committee |
Category: | Government |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | HF147 |
Title: | UI Residencies |
Description: |
Requires University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics to give priority in awarding residencies to Iowa residents. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Health Care |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HSB10 |
Title: | Student Health Services |
Description: |
Allows schools to employ an athletic trainer to provide health services to students. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Health Care |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | HSB119 |
Title: | Dietician Licensure Compact |
Description: |
Establishes the dietician licensure compact allowing licensed dieticians to practice in other participating states without applying for a license in that state. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House State Government Committee |
Category: | Health Care |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | SF117 |
Title: | Prescribing Authority |
Description: |
Prohibits the board of pharmacy and professional boards from restricting the prescribing authority of pharmacists and other practitioners in a manner that acts as a deterrent to use the prescriber's best professional judgment. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Health Care |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | SF220 |
Title: | Health Care Free Speech |
Description: |
Gives health care providers and institutions the right not to participate in or pay for a health care service that violates the provider's or institution's conscience. Provides whistleblower protections for those taking action relating to a suspected violation. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Judiciary Committee |
Category: | Health Care |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | HSB139 |
Client's Position: | Opposed |
Bill Number: | SSB1029 |
Title: | Patient's Right to Save Act |
Description: |
Requires all health care providers to establish and disclose the discounted cash price the provider will accept for certain services. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Health Care |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HF5 |
Title: | Autism Spectrum Disorder Coverage |
Description: |
Makes changes to health insurance coverage requirements for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Eliminates 21-year maximum age limit and maximum benefit amount. |
Status: | House Floor |
Category: | Insurance |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | HF58 |
Title: | Eating Disorder Coverage |
Description: |
Requires that health plan coverage for eating disorders include out-of-state or out-of-network treatment plans if treatment is not available in-state or in-network and a health care professional determines that the treatment is medically necessary. Applies to policies issued after January 1, 2026. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Commerce Committee |
Category: | Insurance |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | HSB19 |
Title: | Prior Authorizations |
Description: |
Requires a utilization review organization to respond to a request for a prior authorization within 48 hours for urgent requests and 10 days for non-urgent requests, with some exceptions for unusual circumstances or a high volume of requests. |
Status: | House Floor |
Category: | Insurance |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | SSB1016 |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | SF87 |
Title: | Acupuncture Coverage |
Description: |
Requires insurance coverage for acupuncture. Applies to policies issued or renewed after January 1, 2026. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Commerce Committee |
Category: | Insurance |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | HF61 |
Title: | Health Service Price Disclosure |
Description: |
Requires hospitals and health care providers to disclose prices charged for the most common services on a website or in an electronically available document. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Other |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Undecided |
Bill Number: | HSB84 |
Title: | Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation |
Description: |
Prohibits schools from providing instruction on gender identity or sexual orientation to students in grades 7-12. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Education Committee |
Category: | Other |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | SF125 |
Title: | State Employed Psychologists |
Description: |
Strikes a provision exempting persons employed by a state institution from the provisions of Code chapter 154B. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Other |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | SSB1074 |
Title: | Pharmacies/Prescription Drugs |
Description: |
Prohibits a pharmacy benefits manager from discriminating against a pharmacy or pharmacist if they are acting within the scope of their license and in accordance with all applicable laws. Prohibits a PBM from reimbursing a pharmacy less than the national or state average acquisition cost. Requires a PBM to provide a process for pharmacies to appeal a prescription reimbursement rate. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Pharmacy/Prescriptions |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | HSB99 |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | HF35 |
Title: | COVID Vaccine Exemptions |
Description: |
Requires certain colleges identify clinical rotations that do not require the candidate be vaccinated for COVID at the request of a student. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Health & Human Services Committee |
Category: | Public Health |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Watch |
Bill Number: | HF132 |
Title: | Firearm Safety Devices |
Description: |
Creates an individual tax credit for purchasing firearm safety devices. Applies to devices purchase after the effective date, and applies to the 2025 tax year. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | House Ways & Means Committee |
Category: | Taxes |
Recent Action: | |
Client's Position: | Support |
Bill Number: | SSB1040 |
Title: | Government Employee Paid Leave |
Description: |
Makes changes to paid leave for government employees. Requires employees entitled to FMLA leave to be provided paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child if taken within 12 months of birth or adoption. |
Status: | Assigned to Committee |
Committee: | Senate Workforce Committee |
Category: | Workforce |
Recent Action: | |
Companion Bills: | HSB78 |
Client's Position: | Support |