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Bill Tracker

Iowa Nurses Association
Behavioral/Mental Health

Allows a court to order treatment for a person experiencing psychiatric deterioration.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Requires an individual who has been involuntarily committed be referred to an ASO prior to discharge.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Requires schools to publish mental health resources on their websites.

Senate Education Committee

Requires mental health wellness training for school personnel.

Senate Education Committee
Childcare/Child Welfare

Makes changes related to foster care.

House Judiciary Committee

Allows the children of at least one minor parent to be automatically eligible for state child care assistance.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee
Constitutional Amendments

Proposes a state constitutional amendment relating to the right to reproductive care.

Senate State Government Committee

Increases penalties for certain assaults on protected workers.

Makes changes to current law regarding assault on a health care provider.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Makes changes to probation requirements.

House Judiciary Committee

Prohibits issuing a subpoena or search warrant seeking menstrual health data.

Senate Judiciary Committee

Requires schools to establish procedures for a school nurse to provide a broad-spectrum cannabidiol product to a student.

House Education Committee

Makes changes to several education laws.

House Education Committee

Makes changes to continuing education requirements.

House State Government Committee

Requires schools to have at least one school employee who is trained to administer or assist with self-administration of a seizure medication.

House Education Committee

Requires that not less than 80 percent of students at the University of Iowa colleges of medicine, nursing, and dentistry be Iowa residents.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Modifies definition of "harassment" and "bullying" of students.

House Education Committee

Requires schools to assemble multidisciplinary threat assessment teams to identify students, who are to be flagged for services and other appropriate interventions.

Requires that Human Growth & Development courses include instruction on pregnancy and fetal development.

House Education Committee

Requires schools to offer breakfast and lunch at no charge. 

Senate Education Committee

Modifies provisions related to shared operational functions and school district supplementary weighting.


Establishes a regulatory relief program.

House Economic Growth & Technology Committee
Health Care

Allows schools to employ an athletic trainer to provide health services to students.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Prohibits policies providing third-party payment or prepayment of health expenses from imposing cost-sharing for supplemental and diagnostic breast exams that are less favorable than screening mammograms. 

Requires HHS to establish a health equity program.

Senate Appropriations Committee

Prohibits the board of pharmacy and professional boards from restricting the prescribing authority of pharmacists and other practitioners.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Requires HHS and DOE to expand evidence-based home visiting services for women and infants.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Allows an individual to refuse a medical service for reasons of conscience in certain circumstances.

Senate Judiciary Committee

Requires a background checks before a health professional license is issued.

Senate State Government Committee

Gives health care providers and institutions the right not to participate in a health care service that violates the provider's or institution's conscience.

Senate Judiciary Committee

Prohibits policies providing third-party payment or prepayment of health expenses from imposing cost-sharing for supplemental and diagnostic breast exams that are less favorable than screening mammograms. 

Requires health insurers to provide coverage for the diagnosis of and treatment for infertility and preservation services.

Senate Commerce Committee
Local Government

Allows ARNPs and physician assistants to be appointed as a county medical examiner.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Requires health care providers to disclose prices charged for the most common services.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Requires medical examiner reports for infants to include date of last immunization.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees based on pregnancy or childbirth.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Prohibits an individual from entering a private space on state property designated for use by individuals of the opposite biological sex.

Senate State Government Committee

Appropriates funds to the Double Up Food Bucks program.

Professional Licensing/Scope of Practice

Requires surgical technologists to complete an accredited program and annual continuing education.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Makes changes to continuing education requirements.

House State Government Committee
Public Health

Requires certain colleges identify clinical rotations that do not require the candidate be vaccinated for COVID at the request of a student. 

House Health & Human Services Committee

Requires radon mitigation for certain new family homes.

House State Government Committee

Denies minors the right to consent to vaccinations for a sexually transmitted disease or infection.

House Health & Human Services Committee

Requires information on immunization exemptions be communicated to parents/guardians and posted on school websites.  

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Allows a city to adopt an ordinance requiring single-family homes used as rentals be tested for radon. 

Senate Local Government Committee

Creates an Iowa cancer research program.

Senate Health & Human Services Committee

Creates an ARNP preceptor tax credit.

House Ways & Means Committee

Creates an individual tax credit for purchasing firearm safety devices.

House Ways & Means Committee

Creates a radon mitigation system tax credit.

House Ways & Means Committee

Requires certain employers to treat an employee who chooses to adopt similar to an employee who is the biological parents of a newborn.

Requires online publication of list of industry-recognized credentials or certifications aligned with career and technical education service areas. 

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